Scouting Golf Tournament
Today, our youth needs your help more thanever! I have the honor of working with our Scouts. The mission ofthe Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical choicesover their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the scout oath andlaw. Help send a Scout to camp by having fun and enjoying a golfouting. Play, donate, sponsor and contribute to this wonderfulevent. Our Troop 914 is hosting our annual Golf Tournament as follows.Please find the Brochure attached.
Country View Golf Club
240 West Beltline Road
Lancaster, TX 75146
(972) 227-0995
Play I Donate I Sponsor I Contribute
Play, donate, sponsor (a hole) or contribute, but help. Do youhave a schedule conflict? I understand, you can still sponsor ahole. If you do not have any money, you can still donate your time.Thank you in advance for what you have done, are doing and will do!

Hello BSASupporters! Please support
Scout Philip Lane!
Thank you!
PlanoEast High School Golf
“AnnualBooster Club Fundraiser”
Philip Lane – PlanoEast High School JV Golf Team
I am also a BoyScout with Troop 914.
I would love to have youjoin me for an exciting round of golf at the
Woodbridge Golf Club inWylie, TX
on Saturday,April 8th,2017,
starting at 1:00pm.
Hello Everyone,
I would like to extendan invitation to each of you to participate in the Plano East High School GolfTeam’s Annual Fundraiser. The details for this event are listed below.
Each golfer is askedto pay a feeof $100.00 to participate in the golf fundraising tournament. Eachstudent is asked to pay a feeof $60.00 to participate in the fundraising golf tournament.Please feel free to share the details listed below with the golfers who wouldlike to participate in this event. If you have any questions, please feelfree to contact me directly at 972-839-5269.
Thank you once again! Happy Golfing!
Saturday, April 8th,2017
7400 Country Club Dr,
Wylie, TX 75098
(972) 429-5100
1:00pm shotgun start *(will need toconfirm)
This is the only fundraiser of the year so it is imperative that we all do our part to make itsuccessful.
Each Golfer is Responsible for theFollowing:
*To sign up atleast onefoursome for the tournament (this can include your golfer)
*To donate at least one auctionitem for the Silent Auction and/or volunteerthe day ofthe tournament
*To gather giveawaysfor the goodie bags for each participant (we are estimating 100-120participants)
The more successful the tournament is, the better we can treatthe golfers and not have to do any other fund raisers, and the more fun wehave on tournament day!
Philip Lane and Daphine Wilson-Lane ("Golf Mom")