Pack 914. Troop 914. Crew 914.
Cub Scout Pack 914 Meeting Schedule
Our Pack 914 will meet 1st & 2nd Saturdays at 10:30 am - 11:45 am @ St Luke.
Contact: Keith Kennedy. Click on name to email or call 214-821-2970.
Boy Scout Troop 914 Meeting Schedule
Our Troop 914 will meet 1st & 3rd Mondays at 7 pm @ St Luke.
Contact: Keith Kennedy. Click on name to email or call 214-821-2970.
Venturing Crew 914 Meeting Schedule
Our Crew 914 set their own meeting schedule.
Contact: Keith Kennedy. Click on name to email or call 214-821-2970.
If you have not completed a Youth Application, please do so now and bring a copy with you. Also, at least one parent must complete the Adult Application. We require active parent involvement in our unit.
Here are some useful links to assist you.
Youth Application
Adult Application
Annual Health and Medical Record (Required for Youth and Adult Leaders)
Youth Protection Training
Training Is IMPORTANT because every youth deserves a trained leader. The volunteer leader training materials have been updated for the Boy Scouts of America. The result is a seamless training program that helps leaders easily graduate through the courses quickly and with little duplication. The package provides the district training committee with tools to achieve 100 percent trained unit volunteers. It begins with the existing Fast Start training, continues through New Leader Essentials, followed by leader-specific training for each adult's role in the unit.
Youth Protection On-Line Training (BSA Online Training Center)
On-Line Youth Protection Training is a valuable resource.
Bobby Lyle - Billy Gamble Scout Shop 5600 US Hwy 75 South Fairview, TX 75069 Main: 972-359-9992 Fax: 972-359-9994 Scout Shop Hours: Mon. - Sat.: 9 AM to 6 PM Thurs.: 9 AM to 8 PM | Circle Ten Council Scout Shop--Dallas 8605 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas, TX 75235 Phone: (214)902-2001 Fax: (214) 902-2016 Scout Shop Hours: Mon. - Fri.: 9 AM to 6 PM Thurs.: 9 AM to 8 PM Sat.: 10 AM to 4 PM |
| Scout Shop at the National Scouting Museum 1329 W. Walnut Hill lane Irving, TX 75015 972-580-2484 Hours: Mon. - 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM Tues. - Sat.: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sun. - 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM |
Circle Ten Council Camps (Maps, Directions and more)
Pack Library
Cub Scout Fun Pages

The following pages were developed to serve as gathering time activities for Cub Scouts as they arrived at den meetings. Most of them help introduce and/or reinforce information that is presented. A special thanks to Pack 114!
Cub Scout Pages
Webelos Activity Badge Pages
Arrowof Light Pages