St. Luke "Community" United Methodist Church
Welcome to a place that offers “Radical Hospitality”. This is our new Re-branding face of St. Luke. Come and literally “walk on the Red Carpet” as you enter our worship space. You are very special to us and it is our desire and our goal to offer you our brand of Radical Hospitality. We believe you are an angel sent our way. As a bible believing, bible affirming church, we are careful to offer God’s best to all who come our way.
We are the church that reaches up to God, reaches into God’s word and out to our community—with Radical Hospitality. Come and experience the “radical” things God is doing at St. Luke. Join us for worship at 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Sundays, 6:00 p. m. Wednesday Night Live and every 1st Sunday 6:00 p.m. for our Gospel Jazz Worship Celebration.
We also offer long term and short term bible studies, ministries for all age levels, wonderful opportunities for community service, great fellowship and God-honoring, Jesus inspiring, Holy Spirit anointing Radical Hospitality! Come see us soon!
Rev. Dr. Michael L. Bowie, Jr.
Senior Pastor
Join us for our Men’s Breakfast!
2018 Calendar
(Download Calendar at bottom of this page.)

UMM Mission Statement
St.Luke is called to proclaim the gospel, transform lives and make disciples forJesus Christ.
Vision Statement
Guided by the Holy Spirit and in the spiritof radical hospitality, we will transform lives by embracing, nurturing andserving children, youth, adults, and families in our church and our community.We will be advocates and prophetic voices in the community for all underservedand oppressed peoples — pursuing excellence in all we do.
United Methodist Men Ministry
To Help Men Grow In Christ, So Others May Know Christ.
Our Core Values
We Celebrate: Our African Heritage and Culture Dynamic, Transformational, Spirit- filled Praise and Worship.
We Embrace: Diversity and Inclusiveness. The Caring and Nurturing of "The Village”.
We Educate Through: Reflective Study of the Scriptures. Supporting Academic Excellence & Higher Education.
We Dedicate Ourselves To: Community Involvement. The Struggle for Liberation & Social Justice. A Lifestyle of Stewardship, Prayer, and Spiritual Discipline. The Making of Disciples for Jesus Christ. A Ministry of Excellence.
Ten Reasons to Consider Scouting and CivicYouth-Serving Agencies as a Ministry of the Local Church
The ministry ofChrist revolved around the profound concept of reaching out to others.
Statistics indicatethat of all the youth who join scouting through the church, 25 percent areUnited Methodists, 25 percent are members of other denominations or faiths and50 percent come from unchurched families. Therefore, Scouting is one potentialentry point for persons to join the church, which then has the opportunity tointroduce, nurture and strengthen a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Scouting and civicyouth ministry offers opportunities for older adults as well as youth toparticipate.
Some scouting programsexist for both girls and boys.
5.UnitedMethodist Men (UMM)
UMM have a historicalcommitment to scouting and civic youth ministry.
Many missionopportunities are made available through the five youth agencies.
7.Godand Country Program
The God and CountrySeries is an age-appropriate study series that focuses on discipleship, family,and service.
8.DevelopServant Leaders
Each youthorganization had inherent “building blocks” that the local church can transforminto effective ministry.
The scouting programcan be an effective, intentional outreach ministry of the local church.
Considering one or acombination of the previous reasons, a local church may develop a consistentlist of prospects for the Lord. Nurturing children, teens, and families throughoutreach and evangelism and incorporating them into the life of the church mayhave tremendous, eternal results for the youth, their family and the Church.
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ
·How do I become a member of St Luke "Community"UMC's United Methodist Men?
UMM is made up of all male members of StLuke. There is no qualification or registration required. To become an activemember, contact any of the UMM leadership for assistance getting involved withany of the many activities that we are support.
·How is the St. Luke UMM ministry funded?
We are fundedalmost entirely by the membership dues, Annual Cajun Feast fundraiser, anddonations from our members. We have a nominal budget approved by the St LukeChurch Council that represents less than five percent of our income.
·Where does themoney collected by the St Luke UMM go?
We supporttwo categories of recipients, internal St Luke ministries and externalcharities. The UMM makes a financial (and often service) contribution to manyof St Luke’s activities. Ministries that we support include Youth, UnitedMethodist Women, Parking Lot, Church Anniversary, etc. External organizationsinclude the Zan Wesley Holmes Outreach Center, Boy Scouts of America, WomenCalled Moses, etc. We attempt to balance equally the spending between internalministries and external organizations. By charter, the organization that is ourprimary commitment is Boy Scouts of America.
·Where does UMM fit on the St Luke organizational chart?
The UMM is anOutreach ministry in the St Luke organization chart. Our clergy sponsor is RevAlbano Tayengo. Our coordinator is Pastor Charmaine Spenser.
·Who are the St. Luke UMM elected officers?
· Shannon Homes, President
· Billy Ratcliff, Vice-president
· Leon Baylor,Communications
· Steve Walton, Secretary
· Martin Crockett, Treasurer
·Who is on the St Luke UMM Board?
Current Board Members include the elected officers plus the following additions:
· Rev. Albano Tayengo, Clergy Sponsor
· Rev. Ed Moore, Chaplain
· Keith Kennedy, Member-At-Large
· Reggie Carpenter, Member-At-Large
· Gary Woods,Member-At-Large
· Tracy Aldridge, Member-At-Large
·Are my contributions to St. Luke UMM tax-deductible?
Yes. St Luke"Community" UMC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization under IRSdefinitions, and contributions to UMM are deductible because we are a ministryof the local church.
·Can I contribute to the St. Luke UMM ministry through the St. Luke offering collection?
Yes.Contributions made through St Luke offerings that are labelled "UMM"are earmarked only for UMM use. They are "passed through" monthlydirectly to the UMM President.
·Are contributions to St. Luke UMM considered part of my tithe to St. Luke"Community" UMC?
Tithes areone tenth of earnings given to the church. Donations made above these tithesare offerings that support UMM ministry, but they do not compete with tithesdue the church.
·Where can Iget more detailed answers about IRS charitable giving?
See IRSpublication 526 for specific details on itemized deductions. The UMM is guidedby Publication 1771 for procedures in managing IRS requirements.
·Does the St. Luke UMM have membership dues?
Yes. The UMMdues are $150 per year for each member. For a one-time fee of $1,500, a member canbecome a lifetime member. Unlike some social clubs, participation in theactivities of UMM is not in any way tied to giving. There are no penalties forfailing to pay membership dues. However, membership dues are a large source ofour operating funds for doing outreach.
·How can I paymy membership dues?
Donations anddues for UMM can be paid in person to the Treasurer by cash, check, moneyorder, or debit/credit card. Checks and money orders should be made out to“United Methodist Men”. Donations can also be made to UMM via St Luke offeringcollections by marking the envelope "UMM'.
·Can I pay mymembership dues monthly instead of annually?
Yes. You canmake payments in equal amounts monthly, or you can choose a payment amount orcycle that fits you best.
·Can I contributesomething other than money?
Yes. Thestrength of our ministry is in the talent and resources of its members. Wethrive on the resources, time, service, or special skills that membersvolunteer. All gifts are welcome.
·Are there anyother fees required of UMM members?
In addition to annualmembership dues, we occasionally ask for special donations. On each UMM Men'sDay in October, we ask that each man donate a special offering of $50. Also, ateach monthly Men's Breakfast, we ask that each member contribute a smalldonation ($7) to defray the costs of providing the meal.
·What is a UMMFirst Responder?
At the beginning ofeach year, we offer the opportunity for members to make an advanced donationfor Men’s Breakfast meals during the year at a discount from our monthlyrequested amount. A member who contributes the designated First Responderdiscounted amount ($56) will not be asked for monthly breakfast donations. Itis the equivalent of paying for 8 months and getting credit for the entire 12months. This program helps UMM recognize revenue early in the year to offermore flexibility.
·What is theGeneral Commission on United Methodist Men?
The 2012United Methodist Book of Discipline charges the General Commission on UnitedMethodist Men with the “primary oversight for the coordination and resourcingof men’s ministry with The United Methodist Church.” (paragraph 2302) Its goalis to empower the ministry of Jesus Christ through men within the congregationsof the UMC.
By a marginof 80% to 20%, the General Conference of 1996 approved the creation of theGeneral Commission on United Methodist Men (GCUMM), effective January 1, 1997.The GCUMM assumed the responsibilities of the former Division of UnitedMethodist Men of the General Board of Discipleship. A Board of Directors wasestablished by General Conference to oversee the work of the Commission.
See for more details.
·Is the StLuke UMM considered a local ministry or a charter of the GCUMM?
It is both.We are a local ministry of St Luke, and we are also an active charter member ofGCUMM in good standing.
·Why does theSt Luke UMM ministry have a separate bank account from St Luke?
The UMMmaintains a separate bank account because the Discipline of the UnitedMethodist Church authorizes it. In order to allow UMM to fund its activitieswithout conflict with the allocation of funds by church clergy and financecommittees, the rare separation was allowed by the General Conference.
·Where can I get more answers?
For specificquestions, contact a St Luke clergy member or any of the UMM leaders. We adoptthe spirit of radical hospitality and inclusiveness that is defined in the StLuke "Community" Vision statement:
Guided by the Holy Spirit, and in the spirit of Radical Hospitality, we will transform lives by embracing, nurturing and serving children, youth, adults, and families in our church and our community. We will be advocates and prophetic voices in the community for all underserved and oppressed people – pursuing excellence in all we do.
We are a church committed to continuing our mission of reaching up to God and out into the community. We do this through our mission, vision, and core values.
St. Luke "Community" United Methodist Church
5710 East R. L. Thornton Freeway (I-30)
Dallas, TX 75223
214.821.2970 Main Office
214.821.3791 Main Fax